Terms & Conditions

In this document you are getting acquainted with the Terms and Conditions of Use of the webpage www.alcorium-store.ge owned by “Alcoretail Group” LLC (ID code: 406222859) (hereinafter “the Company”).

By getting acquainted with these Terms and Conditions we wish to provide you with the important information related to the site user and use. In case you use our webpage, this means you agree with the conditions of our webpage use.


General terms and scope of operation   

Terms and conditions of the site use constitute a legally valid contract between you and the Company. The fact of use of service by you will automatically place you in the scope of operation of the Terms and Conditions of Use of the site and implies that you know the Terms and Conditions of Use of the site and you completely agree with them. Operation of the Terms and Conditions of Use of the site equally applies to the service users, despite using which technical means is found the access to the service, be this web, mobile phone, RSS channel, communication platforms created by the third persons or any other means.

Minors under 18 years of age are prohibited to use the site www.alcorium-store.ge. We intentionally do not store or collect information from the persons under 18 years of age. Protection of the minors’ personal information is very important for us. Accordingly, if the user is a person under 18 years of age, we will take the appropriate measures to remove this use’s personal information from our database. Using www.alcorium-store.ge, here you confirm that you are at least 18 years of age.


Explanation of terms:

1.1. Terms and explanations used in these Terms have the below defined meaning. This does not deal with the cases when from the document context expressly comes otherwise:

1.1.1. Account - means the account registered by the user on the webpage;

1.1.2. Authorization – means access to the personal account by the user;

1.1.3. Terms of use – means these Terms;

1.1.4. Webpage – means www.alcorium-store.ge, by means of which is rendered various service;

1.1.5. User, users – means account registered on www.alcorium-store.ge;

1.1.6. Company means “Alcoretail Group” LLC, the company owning www.alcorium-store.ge, registered and existing under the legislation of Georgia; identification code: 406222859; registered address: 3a Giorgi Mdivani St., city of Tbilisi, Georgia;

1.1.7. Parties – means the Company and its users;

1.1.8. Operation – means any operation implemented by the user in connection with the personal account or/and service;

1.1.9. Universal identifiers – the unity of data of www.alcorium-store.ge users, using which he/she is registered in the identification system and is enabled to use remote service or/and remote service channels of www.alcorium-store.ge;

1.1.10. Access code(s) – codes, passwords, user name, identification code, universal identifiers and/or confidential information of another kind, that for access to service, www.alcorium-store.ge may deliver to the user;

1.2. Words meaning a singular number mean the plural and vice versa, where the context enables this.


What does use of the webpage mean?

By means of this webpage you have opportunity to get acquainted with the information on the product placed on the site, the Company offers the customer.

Using the webpage, you also can purchase the product you wish, pay the cost of the product (hereinafter - Service).

Online purchased product is identical to the product issued by the natural channel and the rules of its sale comply with the legislation existing in Georgia.


Information you provide us with

In the process of the product purchase you provide us with the information based on which the order is executed. In case you provide us with the incorrect information on the question put by us using the site, we will be entitled to refuse reparation of damage or cancel the order.


Opening and use of the user’s account  

To use service of www.alcorium-store.ge the Buyer:

  • Buyer is registered on the webpage www.alcorium-store.ge;
  • For registration the Buyer indicates the name, surname, date of birth, e-mail and password only he/she knows and the system does not store it in the open form, but stores its cached version that is available for nobody except the owner;
  • After completion of registration the Buyer choses the desirable product(s) on the webpage and adds them to the basket for the purpose of their purchase;
  • For completion of the purchase the user fills in the additional information on the purchase page: the mobile phone number, de facto address, choses the desirable methods of delivery and payment and completes the purchase procedure;
  • During purchase of the item the user has to mark the field that he/she agrees to the Terms and Conditions of service of www.alcorium-store.ge;
  • If the Buyer has any additional question in connection with the service terms of www.alcorium-store.ge or any interesting product, he/she contacts the support group on the phone number 0323 88 89 80 or e-mail info@alcorium-store.ge.


Universal identifiers registered in the identification system

User name – one of the unique parameters defined by the user, necessary for implementation of the authorization to receive the remote service;

Password – one of the parameters necessary for implementation of the authorization to receive the centralized remote service, that the user himself/herself defines upon registration in the centralized identification system, through the remote service channel(s) or other communication channel chosen by www.alcorium-store.ge. If the user wishes the password is subject to the further update/change;

Date of birth – one of the parameters necessary for implementation of the authorization to receive the centralized remote service, that the user himself/herself defines upon registration in the centralized identification system, through the remote service channel(s) or other communication channel chosen by www.alcorium-store.ge;

Mobile phone number – phone number on which the user receives the one-time access codes and one-time passwords (if any) necessary for conduction of the operations defined by the centralized remote service;

User’s e-mail address – e-mail address on which the user receives the access codes and passwords (if any) necessary for conduction of the operations defined by the centralized remote service. To receive the centralized remote service, the user can be defined the obligation to fulfil authorization by simple (use of name and password) or complicated (use of name, password and one-time code) authorization method. Authorization method for use of each relevant remote service channel(s)/service also is registered in the centralized identification system.

For service improvement or/and safety purposes the Company can define the additional or different user identifiers.



  • After registration and verification of the account, for the purpose of the webpage use, the user undergoes the authorization;
  • Authorization is implemented through the user’s universal identifiers.


Choosing of the desirable product by the Client, placement and receipt of the order:

  • After authorization the user, using the webpage, moves to the home page, where he/she can access various information through the placed navigation buttons;
  • By means of the navigation buttons the client choses the category of the desired products, after that he/she is enabled to fulfil the data filtration according to desirable price category, product characteristics or/and any other offered datum;
  • The user, by clicking the button “Add to basket” chooses and places the desirable product to its own basket;
  • After placement of the product to the basket the client is redirected to the settlement page, where to the product cost can be added the delivery service price;
  • User will be able to receive the products purchased through www.alcorium-store.ge according to the preliminary defined delivery service rules;
  • The user is entitled to enjoy the right of return the purchased item according to the attached return conditions.


Settlement between www.alcorium-store.ge and the user

  • User can make settlement by credit or debit card that includes the consent to these Terms and Conditions;
  • During payment by credit or debit card the Company is the recipient;
  • The Company will render support to the users in settlement of the problems arisen during payment by credit or debit card, using the users’ service center;
  • Buyer makes settlement with www.alcorium-store.ge by Visa/Mastercard/AMEX card on www.alcorium-store.ge.



Material placed on the webpage, including our trademark(s), logo, are meant for noncommercial use, are prohibited by the copyright, constitute the object of the intellectual property of “Alcoretail Group” LLC and to them fully apply property, copyright of “Alcoretail Group” LLC and all accompanying property and non-property rights envisaged by the legislation of Georgia;

It is prohibited in whole or in part to publish, reproduce, distribute, fulfil, modify, transform, transfer, store or in any other form and means exploit the information placed on the webpage.


Limitation of responsibility

You agree that you have a free choice, to use or not, the webpage and service of the Company and do this in accordance with your decision, discretion and risk.

The Company ensures your access to the webpage and rendering service in conformity with these Terms and Conditions. The Company does not give any other promises and guarantees in connection with the service or any product or the service, that is the part of service. Accordingly, the Company’s responsibility in connection with the mentioned is excluded (within the statutory framework) (including the satisfactory quality or/and conformity with your purposes), in particular, we do not guarantee that the webpage or/and service will be constantly available or it will not have any software errors, viruses or any other errors.

You confirm that the Company will not be responsible before you or the third person in case of any change, limitation or termination of the access to the webpage.

You agree that in case the webpage of the Company does not correctly operate, in case of impediment or termination of operation, transaction, loss or damage of data, contact or lines, illegal use of the site or its composition by the third persons or any circumstance existing beyond our control:

  • The Company is not responsible for any loss caused by above mentioned and such loss is not repaid;
  • www.alcorium-store.ge is responsible:
  • Before the user for the correctness and timeliness of conduction of operations on the personal account in conformity with the Terms defined by these Conditions and the existing legislation;
  • For confidentiality of information on the operations conducted on the personal account, except the cases envisaged by legislation.


Purchase of the item, order of delivery, receipt and return

User will be able to receive the product purchased through www.alcorium-store.ge according to the preliminary defined delivery service rules.

Recipient/acceptor of the purchased product can be:

  • Purchaser himself/herself (the user);
  • Any other adult person indicated by the user;

If the user does not personally accept the purchased product and wishes another person accept it instead of him/her, in such case he/she shall provide the Company with the personal data of the acceptor, in particular, the name, surname, phone number and address, in order the Company correctly identifies the acceptor and hands over the product.

www.alcorium-store.ge reserves right any time to cancel the order placed by the user.


Conditions of the product delivery

By registration on the site and placement of order you automatically agree to the Terms and Conditions of the site. By registration you create your own profile, choose the password and e-mail to manage it and indicate the contact number for implementation of transportation. Information confidentiality is protected by www.alcorium-store.ge.

Before purchase of the product on www.alcorium-store.ge, please, thoroughly review the information/characteristics, specification and prices of the product.



Price of the product given on the webpage is indicated in GEL, VAT inclusive. Prices can be any time changed by the Company.



After fixing the order you will receive the automatic confirmation in the form of SMS-notification and by means of e-mail. After making the order our operator will contact you and verify the order, after that the transportation will be implemented.


Delivery to the spot

  • Cost of delivery of the product under 25 GEL – 10 GEL;
  • Cost of delivery of the order amounts to 5 GEL;
  • Delivery of the order at the cost of more than 100 GEL is free;
  • Delivery to the spot operates only in Tbilisi;
  • Delivery is implemented within 1 hour after order and during the rush-hour within 2 hours.


Conditions of return of the product:

  • By entering www.alcorium-store.ge and using the webpage you confirm that you have got acquainted and agreed to the conditions of the item return and all conditions of use of our webpage;
  • Return of the product is possible only in case it is defective (has a proprietary defect) or if the received product does not conform to the ordered one;
  • Product with the damaged excise stamp unity or/and the product has lost the marketable appearance, it is not subject to return;
  • Also the product has another defect that makes return impossible;  
  • In case of revelation of error/defect on the product, the Buyer is obliged to immediately contact the operator.


Closing the personal account and limitation of use

 www.alcorium-store.ge  is authorized to unilaterally, through the notification sent to the e-mail to terminate or limit the right of the webpage use to the user, if it considers that the requirements of these Terms and Conditions were violated. In the mentioned case closing of the account or limitation of use take place from the moment of sending the notification defined by this article.

In case the Company for the defined reason closes the account or limits its use, the user is not authorized to create a new account in his/her or another name.

The User is authorized to any time terminate the use of www.alcorium-store.ge that does not cause termination of the confidentiality obligation envisaged by this document.



We are authorized any time to make change in these Terms and Conditions. Also, it is possible, the webpage be redesigned or the tariffs of the placed product change. We do not have any obligation to inform you what changed on our webpage.


Existing legislation and settlement of disputes

Terms and Conditions of the site use are regulated by the legislation of Georgia and shall be interpreted in conformity with it, despite you live in Georgia or not.

All claims and any disputes against us originated or related to use of our service by you, also the provisions of Terms and Conditions of this site use, shall be submitted by you only to the courts of Georgia.



  • As the Company, also the registered user, are exempted from responsibility, if non-fulfilment of these Terms and Conditions is caused by operation of the irresistible force on the side of any of them;
  • Force-majeure circumstance means: natural disasters, fire, mass riots, strikes, military actions or any other circumstances beyond the Parties’ control;
  • For the purposes of the webpage (info@alcorium-store.ge) under force-majeure circumstance is also considered the program, the site server or the site system damage or/and the cyber attack on the site server that causes impossibility or impediment of the site normal operation;
  • Each Party, at the latest 24 hours after origination of the force-majeure state, is obliged to inform the other Party on origination of such circumstances and, if possible, to submit its supporting documentation; besides, as far as possible, to take care of elimination of such circumstances;
  • By the Parties’ agreement the contract normally continues after elimination of the force-majeure circumstance;


Contact information

In case of existence of any question related to these Terms and Conditions and the information given on the webpage, please, address us in written form at the address: # 36 Ksani St., city of Tbilisi, contact us via the hotline 0323 88 89 80 or write us about this to the e-mail address: info@alcorium-store.ge.